Lynne's Story
Hi, my name is Lynne. I am the main carer for my daughter, Keri who has a severe mental and physical condition, Cerebral Palsy. Keri is unable to communicate in the conventional manner but does manage to communicate with people who are in her life regularly by eye pointing and stretching towards things she wants. She is a very demanding teenager and needs your constant attention.
Keri goes to school 5 days a week and leaves the house just after 8 in the morning and returning around 3.30.
Unfortunately, Keri has a horrible habit of "blowing rasps" while she is being fed. This of course, means that she is blowing food all over our food, which is extremely annoying and the more I get annoyed, the more she does it!
A few years ago, my social worker introduced me to Self-Directed Support (SDS), which, to cut a long story short, meant that I had to find someone locally who would want to care for my daughter for a few hours a week. I was awarded 6 hours a week. Fife Council would put money into a bank account and I would pay this person from this account. All I would really have to do is fill in a timesheet and send it to a bookkeeping company every 4 weeks. The bookkeeping company would then send out a wage slip which I would give to this person, and pay them the stated wage.
Easy!!! It did take a wee while – my social worker helped me put things in place to start looking for someone. We did have a couple of ‘false starts’ , but I now know that’s part of the process but at the time, it was quite deflating. However, it wasn’t too long that a friend recommend someone - , Amanda . It turned out I knew Amanda and from then on, I never looked back.
Amanda takes Keri straight from school 2 days a week for 3 hours. In this time she gives Keri her tea. Keri absolutely adores Amanda and vice versa. They have so much fun together. I know when they are coming home - Keri is screaming her head off in pure delight!! Things in Amanda's life changed and she is now the main carer for her 94 year old mother who had to move in with Amanda. This only doubled Keri's pleasure! As both ladies are a wee bit deaf, they tend to shout at each other, and this just cracks Keri up! She has an absolute ball. AND, two days a week, I get my tea all to myself!!!
If the days don't suit, we are very flexible. During the holidays, if it suits us both, we may change and Amanda will keep Keri for 6 hours to give me a day to myself. Amanda may have hospital appointments for her mum as indeed, Keri may have an appointment. We can be flexible with each other and we know we can chop and change to suit.
I can honestly say that SDS has been an absolute god send for us and I would recommend that anyone in need/entitled to this service use it.
P.S. For anyone thinking of using the service but is worried about the management side of it. Don't be! I get e-mails all the time reminding me that I haven't sent back my timesheet! The folk in the office are very understanding 😂😂😂
Keri goes to school 5 days a week and leaves the house just after 8 in the morning and returning around 3.30.
Unfortunately, Keri has a horrible habit of "blowing rasps" while she is being fed. This of course, means that she is blowing food all over our food, which is extremely annoying and the more I get annoyed, the more she does it!
A few years ago, my social worker introduced me to Self-Directed Support (SDS), which, to cut a long story short, meant that I had to find someone locally who would want to care for my daughter for a few hours a week. I was awarded 6 hours a week. Fife Council would put money into a bank account and I would pay this person from this account. All I would really have to do is fill in a timesheet and send it to a bookkeeping company every 4 weeks. The bookkeeping company would then send out a wage slip which I would give to this person, and pay them the stated wage.
Easy!!! It did take a wee while – my social worker helped me put things in place to start looking for someone. We did have a couple of ‘false starts’ , but I now know that’s part of the process but at the time, it was quite deflating. However, it wasn’t too long that a friend recommend someone - , Amanda . It turned out I knew Amanda and from then on, I never looked back.
Amanda takes Keri straight from school 2 days a week for 3 hours. In this time she gives Keri her tea. Keri absolutely adores Amanda and vice versa. They have so much fun together. I know when they are coming home - Keri is screaming her head off in pure delight!! Things in Amanda's life changed and she is now the main carer for her 94 year old mother who had to move in with Amanda. This only doubled Keri's pleasure! As both ladies are a wee bit deaf, they tend to shout at each other, and this just cracks Keri up! She has an absolute ball. AND, two days a week, I get my tea all to myself!!!
If the days don't suit, we are very flexible. During the holidays, if it suits us both, we may change and Amanda will keep Keri for 6 hours to give me a day to myself. Amanda may have hospital appointments for her mum as indeed, Keri may have an appointment. We can be flexible with each other and we know we can chop and change to suit.
I can honestly say that SDS has been an absolute god send for us and I would recommend that anyone in need/entitled to this service use it.
P.S. For anyone thinking of using the service but is worried about the management side of it. Don't be! I get e-mails all the time reminding me that I haven't sent back my timesheet! The folk in the office are very understanding 😂😂😂