Option 2
Some people want to direct their support and have a say in the help they receive but don't want to have to deal with arranging the support so option 2 is more suitable for them.
The different between option 1 and 2 is that you don't have to hold the money yourself but Fife Council or another organisation manages it for you. You still have choice over your support provider and what support you need but you can't employ a personal assistant, this can only be done through option 1.
The professional working with you will be able to tell you about local providers in your area or you could approach a broker. A broker is a person whose job it is to provide you with advice and information about what providers and types of support are available in your area.
The different between option 1 and 2 is that you don't have to hold the money yourself but Fife Council or another organisation manages it for you. You still have choice over your support provider and what support you need but you can't employ a personal assistant, this can only be done through option 1.
The professional working with you will be able to tell you about local providers in your area or you could approach a broker. A broker is a person whose job it is to provide you with advice and information about what providers and types of support are available in your area.
Example 1 |
A man who has complex needs who has been in hospital for a number of years because of his needs but he is unhappy there and wants to return home. By using an SDS approach he has been supported to return to live in his own home. He decided to buy support from a provider and with the support of his father they recruited a dedicated team to support him. He is now doing well, able to maintain his home, get around his village, take part in hobbies, and go on holiday.
Example 2 |
An older woman is in hospital after suffering from a stroke. She has support from her family but when she returns home she will need additional support with personal care that her family are not able to provide. After an SDS assessment it was agreed that she could get support with personal care twice a day. With help from her children she chose the agency she wanted to provide the support but has asked her local authority to organise this for her.