Jackie has been majorly instrumental in making DPHS such a significant contributor towards disabled people in Fife having wider choices and more control in the ways they want to live their lives.
She has been with us from the very start, our first paid worker, way back in 2005. The board along with workers past and present recognise that without her leadership, passion and commitment this organisation would not be what it is today. Jackie’s many abilities, skills and knowledge have ensured that DPHS has grown to be recognised throughout Scotland as a leader in providing housing advice and support for disabled people and now developing a similar role in guiding people on their Self Directed Support journey.
We wish her all the very best for the future and invite you all to join us in saying farewell by coming along on Thursday 5th July between 11.00 - 12.30 or 1.30 - 3.00 to
St. Brycedale Church, St. Brycedale Avenue Kirkcaldy KY1 1ET
For further information contact Ian Fricker on 01592 803429 or [email protected]